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Attention Geocachers!

Love to cache? Check out the new caches managed by CHPT at Hammond Woods!

For Land Owners...
MassWoods Landowner Programs
Charlton Heritage Preservation Trust (CHPT) was formed to protect the natural beauties and rural character within the town of Charlton, Massachusetts. In order to achieve these broad goals, the CHPT will work to educate the public on the value of open space, the wise use of natural resources, and the advantages and principles of land use planning.

CHPT seeks to protect, conserve, and preserve lands and waters in Charlton, namely, rivers, streams, wetlands, wildlife habitat, agricultural land, historical sites, ecologically significant regions as well as other scenic, natural and productive areas. In order to further these conservational, historical, educational and scientific objectives, the CHPT will seek to acquire by donation or direct purchase real and personal property in the town of Charlton. CHPT can accept assignation of a town's right of first refusal for properties under M.G.L. Chapter 61.

"Natural and cultural resources are a fundamental part of a town's character, beauty and environmental well being. Charlton is rich with such resources as water, fish and wildlife, scenic roadways and vistas, historic and archeological features."
(Master Plan for the Town of Charlton, page 36).

Charlton Heritage Preservation Trust is a 501(c) 3 non-profit land trust located in Charlton, Massachusetts.

Midstate Trail
CHPT is proud to be part of new The Midstate Trail Conservation Partnership! MSTCP is a new collaboration between local communities, land trusts, trail groups, planning boards, conservation commissions and others passionate about preserving lands and access for the Midstate Trail. Download MSTCP's Brochure.

No Hunting Hunting is Prohibited on ALL CHPT properties due to the proximity of residential homes associated with our flexible subdivision open space parcels.

Copyright 2010-2024 | Charlton Heritage Preservation Trust

Disclaimer: The information provided on this web site is not to be construed as legal advise. If you are interested in finding out how these
or other land protection options effect your estate and/or income taxes, please contact an attorney knowledgeable in land issues.

Website designed and maintained by Lisa Westwell.